06/30/2024 - Disclosures
The information on this site should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any particular security or to engage Cliveden Capital Management Services; such information should not be used as the basis for making investment decisions. When we use “Cliveden” or “Cliveden Capital Management, LLC” or Firm” or “we” or “us” or “our,” we are referring to Cliveden Capital Management, LLC. While we believe that our investment strategy will produce desired returns, there can be no assurance that Cliveden will achieve its investment objective or will be successful in implementing its investment strategy. Past performance is not indicative of and does not guarantee future results. An account performance may vary from that of other client accounts for reasons such as account size, timing of transactions and market conditions at the time of our investment. Investment in securities involve significant risk that clients should be prepared to bear, including the risk of loss of original amount invested. We encourage you to refer to our Firm Brochure for some material risks applicable to our investment strategy and additional information regarding our Firm.